Thank you NHS Heroes
1st Apr 2021
By Paul Wong, Director at Lee Wakemans, GB+I and GB+ME
"Thanks to all to NHS staff in Cardiff (Heath and Llandough sites in particular) who have continued to work through this pandemic. The clapping has stopped and the food parcels have diminished and yet they have pushed on. I was talking to my neighbour who works on the COVID-19 wards and asked how things were the other night. He said staff and junior doctors in particular were absolutely stretched and exhausted. We as a society are getting ready for release from lockdown, to travel, to go to the pub, to meet again. I think for those that have been on the frontline the road to recovery will be much longer. So after talking to my neighbour I discussed with my co-director Mike Hughes about putting together some Easter hampers for the junior doctors. These are going out with some treats and goodies to say thank you. Thanks must also go out to Mel at Penylan Pantry who has put the hampers together at a very generous discounted rate." 01.04.2021